1. Certificate GOST-R
  2. Declaration of Conformity GOST
  3. Fire Safety Certificate
  4. Railway Transport Certification
  1. Hygienic Certificate
  2. UKRSepro Certificate
  3. Declaration of Conformity Ukraine
  1. GOST-K Certificate
  1. Belgis Certificate
  1. New Technical Regulations and EAC Mark of Conformity for Machinery Exports to Russia, Kazakhstan or Belarus.
  2. Published a list of packages that are subject to the declaration of conformity.
  3. Customs Union:new restrictions in the technical requirements on food.
  4. Eurasian Economic Commission :The changes in the Goods Nomenclature for preparations for contact Senses.
Customs Union Technical Regulations Certificate

EAEU EAC Certification (Customs Union Technical Regulations Certificate).

Customs Union Technical Regulations Certificate - a document certifying that the product conforms to the technical requirements and may be placed on the market.

The Technical Regulations are set out mandatory requirements for the production, which is to protect the life and health of Russian citizens. TR certificate is the basic document defining the legitimacy of production and storage, transportation, disposal and sales. TR Certificate is issued for a period of one year, three or five years for series production, and for an indefinite period on the lot (one or more supply of goods to Russia on a signed contract with a Russian company). more »
gostr certificate for Russia

TR CU Declaration of Conformity with Technical Regulations of the Customs Union.

The Declaration confirms that the products are declared in accordance with the requirements of the Customs Union.

TR CU Declaration - This type of document in which the applicant states that declared products comply with the quality requirements of security as defined by of the Customs Union. The declaration is required to pass both through the customs at the border of the goods and to the sale of goods. The declaration is issued solely for the customer and cannot be exposed to a foreign manufacturer. more »
deklaracja zgodności TR z regulaminem technicznym.

Eurasian Conformity Mark. EAC

Znak EAC potwierdza zgodność produktów/wyrobów z Regulaminem Technicznym Euroazjatyckiej Unii Celnej (Rosja Białoruś Kazachstan).

Produkty, które mają być wprowadzone na rynek Unii Celnej po raz pierwszy, podlegają ocenie zgodności zgodnie z Regulaminem Technicznym Euroazjatyckiej Unii Gospodarczej w formie certyfikatu EAC lub deklaracji. Jeśli kontrola zgodności zakończy się powodzeniem, produkty muszą być oznaczone znakiem zgodności EAC. EAC to skrót od Euroasian Conformity i jest bardzo podobny do europejskiego oznakowania CE. Oznakowanie EAC jest niezbędne, aby poinformować konsumentów i organy nadzorcze Unii Celenj, czy produkty są zgodne z wymogami bezpieczeństwa i przepisami technicznymi oraz czy zostały przeprowadzone wszystkie niezbędne testy. więcej »
gostr certificate for Russia


The certificate of state registration of products confirms that the products comply with the standards of the Customs Union.

The certificate is valid on the territory of the customs union of three countries: the Russian Federation, the Republic of Belarus and Kazakhstan are issued for an indefinite period. Obtaining certificates are required for mineral water (natural, therapeutic, medical), bottled drinking water, beverages, baby food, dietary products, food additives, food derived from genetically modified organisms, cosmetic products, disinfectants, household goods , personal hygiene, products need contact with food. more »
gostr certificate for Russia

GOST-R Certificate.

GOST - an official document confirming that the production meets all quality and safety requirements, according to the accepted standards of Russia. There are two types of certification of conformity: Certificate of Conformity for production under compulsory certification and certificate of compliance for the production of the voluntary GOST certification. The certification system in Russia applies to most products sold and / or used in Russia, for example, consumer products such as food, textiles, cosmetics and toys, mechanical and electrical items, industrial equipment for food, chemical, oil, construction and other industrial goods . Federal Agency of Technical and federal customs service have approved the list of goods subject to certification of compliance. more »
GOST-R Certificate for Russia

Fire Safety Certificate for Customs Union.

The document is issued on the basis of the legal requirements for fire safety.

The certificate is required for a special firefighting products: for firefighting products, personal protective equipment, household products, household appliances, construction materials, lubricants and others. Not all products are subject to compulsory certification in the field of fire safety. However, voluntary certification increases consumer confidence. Testing in accordance with GOST-R standards provide for: the risk of fire and any damage to third party property from fire. more »
Customs Union Technical Regulations Certificate

TR CU EX Explosion Protection Certificate of the EAC

Confirms that operating the device satisfies EAC norms when used in places where they can become a source of ignition.

The security certificate before the outbreak - is a confirmation that the device when operated meets safety standards of the Customs Union: Belarus, Russia and Kazakhstan. Certification is mandatory for the following devices: telecommunications equipment, electrical equipment, products intended for use in hazardous locations where they can become a source of ignition. Through the research, it is ensured that the specific equipment is explosion proof. A list of all types of equipment to be certified is placed in a range of products and services for which the certification is expected mandatory under the legislation of the Customs Union. more »
Russian State Registration cost
+48 515-089-294