1. Certificate GOST-R
  2. Declaration of Conformity GOST
  3. Fire Safety Certificate
  4. Railway Transport Certification
  1. Hygienic Certificate
  2. UKRSepro Certificate
  3. Declaration of Conformity Ukraine
  1. GOST-K Certificate
  1. Belgis Certificate
  1. New Technical Regulations and EAC Mark of Conformity for Machinery Exports to Russia, Kazakhstan or Belarus.
  2. Published a list of packages that are subject to the declaration of conformity.
  3. Customs Union:new restrictions in the technical requirements on food.
  4. Eurasian Economic Commission :The changes in the Goods Nomenclature for preparations for contact Senses.
Certification in system of standards of Republic of Kazakhstan

Certificate GOST-K. Certification in system of standards of Republic of Kazakhstan.

System GOST-K is an equivalent of Russian GOST-R. Confirmation of conformity of production is carried out by a mandatory or voluntary certification or Declaration. Production is subject to mandatory certification, which was mentioned in the Decision of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 367 of 20.04.2005 "The mandatory confirmation of conformity of production in the Republic of Kazakhstan". Certification and Declaration of Kazakhstan is based on technical regulations, 50 of which was adopted. GOST-R was used as a model in creation of GOST-K, but there are significant differences in the regulatory documentation of these systems. GOST-K is needed not only for importing the production, but also to facilitate the procedures of distribution of production in the country.

The list of production, that is subject to mandatory certification is approved by Kazakhstan government. This list is always changing. Part of the production that was originally entered to the list, currently is subjected to Technical regulations, which means it has to meet supranational standards firstly.

Certification in GOST-K system is carried out according to 1 of 3 schemes:
  • For one-time delivery,
  • For a batch of production according to the contract,
  • For serial production
Depending on selected scheme there will be a either inspection of the manufacturing facility or samples of the production. Manufacturer can also accept GOST-K Declaration. Same as with GOST-R, the responsibility for quality of production lies with manufacturer.

In case of questions or concerns about the GOST-K certificates, please contact our experts.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the Certification in system of standards of Republic of Kazakhstan, please contact us and discuss it with our experts. Contact us
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